Monday, May 9, 2011

Document Properties in Microsoft

Application: Word, Excel, PowerPoint 2007 & 2010

Microsoft documents contain properties that can include the document title, author name, subject, and keyword tags. Using keyword tags can make searching for documents quicker and easier. When sharing documents with others, it is important to restrict editing if you do not want document properties changed.

Office 2007 document properties
1. In Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, click the Microsoft Office button.
2. Scroll to Prepare and then click Properties.
3. The Document Information Panel will appear. Update any fields listed.
Optional: Click the down arrow by Document Properties to view or update Advanced Properties.

Office 2010 document properties
1. In Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, click the File tab.
2. Click Info to view the document properties.
3. To update fields, click the field.
Optional: To see advanced properties, click Show All Properties.

Want to know more about document properties? Microsoft has more information for Office 2007 and Office 2010 users. When sharing documents with others, use the document inspector feature to reveal and remove hidden information. The Microsoft website features application specific articles about the document inspector feature.

For faculty, an interesting article from the Chronicle of Higher Education on Keeping Blind Review Blind by Anonymizing Documents.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tip of the Week: mybrainshark

Web 2.0 Tools mybrainshark
Presentations that integrate both visual and audio can convey a message in ways that are appealing to audiences. Mybrainshark is a Web 2.0 tool that can be used to add audio via microphone or telephone to PowerPoint slides, documents, photos, videos, and creation of podcasts. The final product can be viewed online in a blog, unique URL on the mybrainshark site, email, or social media sites.

Highlights of the basic (free) account:
• Insert poll or survey questions
• Tracking data shows who, what, when, and where
• PowerPoint animations transfer
• Can add voice or MP3 files
• When uploading files, can add descriptions, categories, and keyword tags for easier searching
• Presentations can be modified at any time