Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tip #26: Using tables to organize VTBE content

Tip: Use tables in the Visual Text Box Editor (VTBE) to organize your content and images.

Here’s how to do it:
Navigate to a content area in your course (e.g. Course Documents) and click the Edit View link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Click the + Item button to add a new item. Name the item and then click in the text box below. This is where you will add your table.

On the Visual Text Box Editor (VTBE), click the Create Table button.
Select the number of columns and rows for the table. Click Submit to add the table to the text box.

Add text or images to your table. After you have added your content, click the Submit button to save your content. Below is an example of how you might use tables to organize your content:

How to remove the table outlines:
To remove the table outlines, you will need to modify the HTML code for the table. Click the < > button on the VTBE to open the HTML view. You will see the following format code for the table:

To remove the table outlines, you will need to modify the HTML code for the table. Click the < > button on the VTBE to open the HTML view. You will see the following format code for the table:

In the part of the code that says “border=1”, change the 1 to a 0. Click the < > button again to switch back to your standard view. You will see that the table borders have disappeared. Click Submit to save your changes.

Want more information?
Step-by-step tutorials are available at:
Visit our website:,or call: (940) 898-3706

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tip #25: Adding audio, video, or Flash using the VTBE

Tip: You can add audio, video, or Flash to a Blackboard item using the Visual Text Box Editor (VTBE).

Here’s how to do it:

Navigate to a content area in your course (e.g. Course Documents) and click the Edit View link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Click the + Item button to add a new item. Name the item and then click in the text box below. This is where you will add the audio, video, or Flash.

On the Visual Text Box Editor (VTBE), click the Add button for the component you would like to add (from left to right, those buttons are Add MPEG/AVI content, Add QuickTime content, Add Audio content, and Add Flash content):

Click the Browse button to locate the file on your computer or external drive. Select the file options you would like and click the Submit button. On the preview page, click Submit again to add your content.

Caution regarding adding audio, video, or Flash files:
Be aware of the file size of the audio, video, or Flash file you add to your course. The larger the file size, the more difficulties students will experience in viewing that file and the Blackboard page on which the file is located. We recommend that any file uploaded to Blackboard is no larger than 5 MB.
Want more information?
Step-by-step tutorials are available at:
Visit our website:,
or call: (940) 898-3706

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tip #24: Adding an image using the VTBE

Tip: Add an image to your course using the Visual Text Box Editor (VTBE).

Here’s how to do it:
Navigate to a content area in your course (e.g. Course Documents) and click the Edit View link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Click the + Item button to add a new item. Name the item and then click in the text box below. This is where you will add the image.

On the Visual Text Box Editor (VTBE), click the Add Image button.

Click the Browse button to locate the image file on your computer or external drive. Select any image options you would like and click the Submit button. Resize the image by clicking on the image and dragging the corners in or out, depending on whether you want to enlarge or shrink the image.

What to do if you do not see the VTBE:
Check to make sure that your VTBE is enabled. On your Blackboard welcome page (where your courses are listed), click the Personal Information link on the left-hand Tools menu. Click Set Visual Text Box Editor Options and make sure that the VTBE is enabled. Click Submit. You will need to log out and log back in to Blackboard to see your changes.

The VTBE for Safari users does not have the Add Image button. Macintosh users should use the Firefox browser to enable the full version of the VTBE.

Want more information?
Step-by-step tutorials are available at:
Visit our website:,
or call: (940) 898-3706

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tip #23: Creating an anonymous survey

Tip: You can create an anonymous survey in Blackboard.

Here’s how to do it:
Navigate to the Control Panel of your course and click Survey Manager. Click the + Add Survey button. Type a name for the survey and type any description or instructions you want to provide. Click Submit.

Add questions to the survey by clicking the drop-down menu next to the words Add Calculated Formula. Select the type of question you would like to add and click the Go button. For open-ended questions, select the Short Answer or Essay question types. Continue adding questions until you have completed your survey.

To launch the survey in your course, navigate to the course area to which you would like to add the survey. Click the Edit View link at the upper right corner of the page. Click the drop-down menu next to the words + Select: Learning Unit and select the Survey option. Click the Go button. Select the survey you created and click Submit. To change the survey availability and settings, click the Modify the Survey options link on the following page.

Survey anonymity in Blackboard:
Surveys in Blackboard are anonymous, so you will not be able to discern individuals’ survey answers. To view the full survey results, navigate to your course Gradebook. Locate the survey Gradebook item and click name of the survey. Click the Download Results link and select your download options. NOTE: Microsoft Excel will open a .csv file or a tab-delimited file.

Want more information?
Step-by-step tutorials are available at:
Visit our website:,
or call: (940) 898-3706