Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Blackboard Tip of the Week: Announcing the 2012 Blackboard Exemplary Course Program

Tip: The Blackboard Exemplary Course Program aims to help faculty use e-Learning technology more effectively by identifying and disseminating best practices for designing engaging online courses.

Using a rubric, instructors and course designers are able to evaluate how well their own course conforms to best practices for Course Design, Interaction & Collaboration, Assessment and Learner Support.

Consider participating in the 2012 Exemplary Course Program by submitting a course of your own or volunteering to be a reviewer or both!

There are many benefits to participating in the Exemplary Course Program:
  • Learn course design best practices to improve the engagement, collaboration, assessment and learner support within your own courses
  • Develop a fresh perspective by seeing how other instructors and designers from your discipline or area of interest are developing their courses
  • Apply lessons learned from the Exemplary Course Rubric to your own courses or those you are helping to develop
  • Receive detailed feedback on your own course development on the best practices you are employing or areas in which it can be improved
  • Gain professional development experience and recognition for your accomplishments and participation in the program
This is a valuable learning experience for even the most seasoned instructor or designer.

To learn more about the 2012 Exemplary Course Program:
We encourage you to consider participating in the Exemplary Course Program. If you have questions, please send an email to:

To stay up-to-date on all things related to the Exemplary Course Program and other Catalyst Awards, you can ‘Like’ them on Facebook!

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